30 July 2018

new news!

Hi everybody!

I thought of something the other day. I am going to use this blog as a platform for talking about things I'm really into: parenting, Montessori, Minimalism, being a Mormon, and life as a stay-at-home mom and wife.

So here goes!

My name is Mallory.
I'm married to Stephen (about 2 years).
We have a little boy named Kaladin (14 months old).
We want lots of babies.
We are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
I have fully embraced motherhood and wifehood as my job and calling.

And here I will tell you about things I am learning regarding parenthood...because it's my passion.

Stay tuned!



Unknown said...

You are so cute.

Unknown said...

So excited for you!