02 August 2018

letting your baby take risks

Kaladin and I spent time outside the other day and I snapped a few photos above. See the yellow grass on the right side of the pictures? Kaladin stepped one foot over onto the scratchy and sticky grass and decided it wouldn't be very comfortable to explore in that area. So, he decided to go back to the sidewalk and explore there and on the green grass.

It would have been really easy for me to say anything and take him to another area. But, I wanted him to find something out for himself. I didn't say anything - and I let him find out that the yellow grass is scratchy and that he would not like walking on it. He took one step onto it and changed his mind - heading back to the sidewalk.

Not saying or doing anything allowed Kaladin to discover something about the world and himself. These discoveries happen when I allow him to be as independent as possible (safely). I am simply letting him learn about the world around him and his abilities in exploring it. I observe and redirect only as needed to keep him safe.

Kaladin is a happy boy. And I think that in large part it is due to the freedoms I give him in exploring, playing, and working. After all, this is his work! I am not saying his happiness is all due to me (lol). But by letting him take risks I am allowing him to be confident in his decision making and in his abilities. And isn't it amazing what we can learn from our children when we watch them take risks and explore?!

Motherhood is awesome.

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